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The Epic Volkswagen Short Squeeze of 2008

The Epic Volkswagen Short Squeeze of 2008: How It Became the Most Valuable Company in the World

Introduction to the Volkswagen Short Squeeze The biggest investing story of 2021 so far has been the epic GameStop saga that saw Wall Street Bets degenerates make billions of dollars collectively off the backs of short-selling hedge funds. The GameStop short squeeze was special because… Read More »The Epic Volkswagen Short Squeeze of 2008: How It Became the Most Valuable Company in the World

How Influencer Marketing Hacked the Beverage Industry

From Hype to Billions: How Influencer Marketing Hacked the Beverage Industry (and What’s Next for Prime Hydration)

The Fastest Selling Beverage of all time? Sixteen bottles every single second. That’s how much Logan Paul and KSI have managed to sell over the last two years. That’s a total of 1 billion bottles. Prime is officially the fastest selling beverage of all time.… Read More »From Hype to Billions: How Influencer Marketing Hacked the Beverage Industry (and What’s Next for Prime Hydration)